Success Snapshot: Back On Target, Force on the Field

Lila (@lilabrowne) from @DartmouthFieldHockey came to Precision Osteopractic when lower back pain was preventing her from performing as the season progressed. 

“During my season, Precision helped me out with my injury and any other little things that popped up along the way. They knew exactly how to help me, and I was able to be on the field and perform my best with their help. They have also given me the tools to manage my injury and get stronger outside of sessions with them, and I really appreciate all that they did to make me feel comfortable in and outside of their office!”

If you are experiencing pain or restrictions that affect your performance in what you love, Precision OPT has the expertise and the skill to get you back on the bike, the field, the slopes, etc. at 100%. Schedule your evaluation or free screening at today!

@DartmouthFieldHockey @dartmouthathletics 

#fieldhockey #backpain #Uppervalley