Are cortisone shots all they’re cracked up to be?

Is knee pain holding you back from enjoying the things you love? Worried you have the same “bad knees” your mom had? Has a loved one told you that you should get a “cortisone injection?” The urge to seek out a quick fix often leads patients down this path. These can certainly sometimes be helpful, but are they the best option for long term pain relief?  The results of a recent clinical trial in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine suggests otherwise.

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156 patients were divided into 2 groups, with 78 patients receiving an injection, and the other 78 referred to PT. These patients were all followed for 1 year after intervention. The patients who worked with a physical therapist had significantly less pain and lower disability a year following intervention. Furthermore, we know from clinical research that frequent steroid injections actually accelerate tissue degradation.


What’s the lesson here? There are no quick fixes. Pain is your body sending you a message. It’s a request for change. Sometimes it’s changing how you move, sometimes it’s strengthening a weak muscle, sometimes you may benefit from mobilization and manipulation - these can often offer near-immediate pain reduction, but more often the answers to permanent pain relief go much deeper than that.  It’s helping you recognize the lifestyle factors that contribute to pain and learning how to make multiple small changes that have a large cumulative effect.


The experts at Precision Physical Therapy are uniquely qualified to help. We want to help you find long term solutions to your pain problems - and we can get you scheduled to be seen by a specialist in managing neuromusculoskeletal pain fast. We will get you back to what’s important to you for the long haul.


Dr. John Kravic is a board-certified clinical specialist in orthopedics - awarded by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. He is certified in integrated dry needling, the McKenzie Method, and has advanced training in manual therapy.  John specializes in orthopedic conditions of both the spine and extremities.  He has an extensive history working with both amateur and professional athletes. John utilizes this experience working with all types of patients.  To schedule your appointment today click here